FY 2024 Community Project Funding Requests

Apr 10, 2023
Community Project Funding

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Note: The projects are listed in alphabetical order by intended recipient.

1. Cascades Business Park Wastewater Infrastructure

Requested Amount: $1,000,000

Intended Recipient: Port of Skamania County

Intended Recipient Address: 212 SW Cascade Ave., Stevenson, WA 98648

Explanation of Request: The Port of Skamania County is developing their Cascades Business Park to address current demands and growth needs for industrial property in Skamania County. This funding would be used to help extend the sewer line from the road to the Cascades Business Park building site and help pay for construction of the pretreatment wastewater infrastructure. These types of facilities are not only critical for the Port’s industrial tenants but also to relieve demand on a nearby wastewater treatment plant.

Signed Financial Disclosure

Letters of Support

2. Long Beach Oregon Avenue Sewer Main Replacement Project

Requested Amount: $2,500,000

Intended Recipient: City of Long Beach

Intended Recipient Address: 115 Bolstad Ave., Long Beach, WA 98631

Explanation of Request: The funding would be used to replace a sewer main that runs 11 blocks north of the Main lift station at the wastewater treatment facility. If this line were to fail, it would contaminate groundwater and keep other collector sewers from getting to the treatment facility causing a catastrophic failure.

Signed Financial Disclosure

Letters of Support

3. Lower Columbia College Vocational Equipment

Requested Amount: $1,500,000

Intended Recipient: Lower Columbia College

Intended Recipient Address: 1600 Maple Street, Longview, WA 98632

Explanation of Request: This funding would be used for the purchase, installation, and related construction needed for equipment for workforce development programs at the College. Over the next three years, the College’s new Center for Vocational and Transitional Studies will be built – this funding would contribute to construction costs related to vocational equipment. This will include installation of welding booths, fume ducting, and equipment for machining and manufacturing programs.

Signed Financial Disclosure

Letters of Support

4. Packwood Sewer – Easements and Treatment Facility Project

Requested Amount: $3,500,000

Intended Recipient: Lewis County

Intended Recipient Address: 351 NW North St., Chehalis, WA 98532

Explanation of Request: The funding would be used for the engineering and treatment-facility construction phase of a sewer installation project in Packwood, WA. Completing the sewer system will protect the environment and public health, in addition to enabling the construction of small-scale multifamily buildings.

Signed Financial Disclosure

Letters of Support

5. Port of Longview Industrial Rail Corridor Expansion

Requested Amount: $4,000,000

Intended Recipient: Port of Longview

Intended Recipient Address: 10 International Way, Longview, WA 98632

Explanation of Request: This funding would be used to expand an industrial rail corridor on port-owned land, adjacent to existing rail lines. The project adds two new rail lines and adds 1,000 feet to two existing rail lines, allowing the Port of Longview to accommodate full-length unit trains. Further, this project will build an additional four-track rail bed, easing future expansions to meet rapidly growing demand.

Signed Financial Disclosure

Letters of Support

6. Port of Vancouver Terminal 1 Redevelopment Project

Requested Amount: $5,000,000

Intended Recipient: Port of Vancouver

Intended Recipient Address: 3103 Northwest Lower River Road, Vancouver, WA 98660

Explanation of Request: Funding would be used for the demolition of a dock, replacement of a bulkhead retaining wall, slope grading, and construction of a new dock. The existing dock was built over 100 years ago, and is now seismically and structurally deficient. By replacing the dock with a safe structure, the Port will be able to support redevelopment with a new public market and space for businesses on the Vancouver waterfront. The project will also improve habitat in the Columbia River for endangered species, including salmon and steelhead, by increasing natural light, removing creosote-treated pilings, and improving substrate for fish habitat.

Signed Financial Disclosure

Letters of Support

7. Public Safety Radio Communication System Modernization Project

Requested Amount: $1,858,523

Intended Recipient: Skamania County

Intended Recipient Address: 200 Vancouver Ave, Stevenson, WA 98648

Explanation of Request: This funding will be used to obtain equipment to modernize and upgrade Skamania County’s law enforcement’s current radio system. Skamania County’s law enforcement currently relies on a sparsely built and antiquated radio communications system that doesn’t provide complete coverage in the community’s challenging geography of dense forest and mountainous terrain.

Signed Financial Disclosure

Letters of Support

8. Ryderwood Drought Resiliency Project

Requested Amount: $1,600,000

Intended Recipient: Cowlitz County

Intended Recipient Address: 1600 13th Ave. S., Kelso, WA 98626

Explanation of Request: This funding would be used to construct a new raw water reservoir and required piping to serve the Ryderwood area of Cowlitz County. The new reservoir will be available to feed the nearby water treatment plant in times of drought. The reservoir will store raw water from Campbell Creek and will also be designed to allow discharge of water pumped from other locations. This will allow the County to continue to supply safe and reliable drinking water and fire protection water during drought conditions.

Signed Financial Disclosure

Letters of Support

9. Salmon Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Energy Efficiency and Modernization Upgrades

Requested Amount: $3,000,000

Intended Recipient: Discovery Clean Water Alliance

Intended Recipient Address: 8000 NE 52nd Court, Vancouver, WA 98665

Explanation of Request: This funding would be used to accelerate replacement of wastewater treatment equipment —dewatering equipment and an ultraviolet (UV) disinfection system—that are not only inefficient when compared to modern technology but are requiring increased maintenance and repair. The nearly 50-year-old Salmon Creek Treatment Plant serves approximately 25% of Clark County’s population. Replacement of this equipment will directly benefit the environment by decreasing energy consumption, decreasing negative impacts from truck hauling, and returning more water back to the natural environment. 

Signed Financial Disclosure

Letters of Support

10. South Bend Boat Working Waterfront

Requested Amount: $3,000,000

Intended Recipient: Port of Willapa Harbor

Intended Recipient Address: 1725 Ocean Ave, Raymond, WA, 98577

Explanation of Request: This funding would purchase the sole marine haul-service facility that provides on-shore maintenance facilities for these vessels in a safe location for services necessary to sustain operations that support the working fishing and aquaculture watercraft of the Willapa Bay region.

Signed Financial Disclosure

Letters of Support

11. Southwest Washington Food Manufacturing Incubator and Workforce Training Center

Requested Amount: $4,400,000

Intended Recipient: Thurston Economic Development Council

Intended Recipient Address: 4220 6th Avenue Southeast, Lacey, WA 98503

Explanation of Request: This funding would be used for the construction of a publicly-owned value-added agricultural manufacturing incubator and workforce development center. This includes design work, site development, and construction of a 15,000 square foot pre-engineered metal building. The incubator and workforce development center would be located in the Southwest Washington Regional Agricultural Business & Innovation Park, which is currently under construction.

Signed Financial Disclosure

Letters of Support

12. Southwest Washington Grain Project

Requested Amount: $4,500,000

Intended Recipient: Port of Chehalis

Intended Recipient Address: 321 Maurin Rd, Chehalis WA, 98532

Explanation of Request: The Port of Chehalis, in collaboration with regional agriculture partnerships, seeks to continue developing the Southwest Washington Regional Grain Facility by constructing public grain storage and a transloading facility. This facility will allow local farmers to store and move product via rail aggregately.

Signed Financial Disclosure

Letters of Support

13. Vancouver Heights District Infrastructure Project

Requested Amount: $4,000,000

Intended Recipient: City of Vancouver

Intended Recipient Address: 415 West 6th Street, Vancouver, WA 98660

Explanation of Request: This funding would be used for construction of intersection improvements, a multi-modal greenbelt, and a network of roads through the City of Vancouver’s Heights District. Infrastructure improvements will include building new roads and protected bike lanes, improving pedestrian walkways, and improving existing roadways with traffic calming infrastructure and additional greenspace.

Signed Financial Disclosure

Letters of Support

14. Wahkiakum PUD Puget Island Alternate Water System Project

Requested Amount: $2,000,000

Intended Recipient: Public Utility District #1 of Wahkiakum County

Intended Recipient Address: 45 River St., Cathlamet, WA 98612

Explanation of Request: The funding would be used for engineering and construction costs (well drilling, pumphouse construction, property development, etc.) associated with the completion of an alternate water source on Puget Island. Puget Island is served by one water supply across a bridge from the mainland, which could leave Puget Islands residents without potable water in the case of a natural disaster, accident, or emergency. The project will improve the system resiliency and reliability of water to the residents of Puget Island.

Signed Financial Disclosure

Letters of Support

15. Washougal Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade Project

Requested Amount: $3,000,000

Intended Recipient: City of Washougal

Intended Recipient Address: 1701 C Street, Washougal, WA 98671

Explanation of Request: This funding would be used to support construction of the biosolids handling facility and lagoon decommissioning of the Washougal Wastewater Treatment Plant, which is the final phase of this mandated multi-phase expansion and upgrade process. This new phase will serve to improve operation and achieve the highest efficiency in the release of treated effluent. This request would be used to partially fund several project components that can be an initial phase of this overall final phase, including: treatment plant site improvements and yard piping, a new waste activated sludge pump, odor improvements at the headworks, a new screw press and new rotary drum thickener.

Signed Financial Disclosure

Letters of Support

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