Congressional Leadership Awards

Rep. Gluesenkamp Perez is looking to recognize community members who represent the best of Southwest Washington – and she needs your help!

Is there someone who has made a significant positive impact on your community? Have they shown exemplary leadership, service, or heroism? Do they frequently go above and beyond?

If so, you should nominate them for her Congressional Leadership Award.

Nominees must reside in Washington’s Third District and they can demonstrate a commitment to their community through individual work or their involvement in an organization. The Congresswoman welcomes nominees from all backgrounds whose work has largely gone unrecognized, including, but not limited to, outstanding first responders, educators, veterans, farmers, tradespeople, and young people. 

You can submit a nomination through this form until November 10, 2024 at 11:59 PM PST.

The Congresswoman’s team will reach out to awardees in November to provide more details about how they will be recognized for their achievements.